My name is Carrie.
If you're looking for a formal, professional blog, this one is certainly not for you. If you're looking for a hot mess of a blog that basically just gives you a snippet of the inside of my mind, almost like my little journal, that makes hardly any sense, buckle in!
You may find that I contradict myself, that I repeat things or don’t even make sense half of the time. But that’s because this genuinely is like my own little set of mental notes. Absolutely nothing I say has any actual facts that translate in the real world, they are my opinions. And yes the majority of the time I’m still a mess, but I’ve come a very, very long way from where I was, so when I babble on about mindset etc., feel free to read ahead. It’s just what has worked for me. This is just a way I’ve found to clear my head of some of the things that I’m mentally hoarding.
You may be bored to tears, you may be interested. I know I love to hear other people’s thoughts and feelings about things, it opens up my perspective on life. If you’ve decided to join me on this little journey, I genuinely don’t know why, HOWEVER, I thank you endlessly.
Your interest and support means more than you would ever understand. Did I ever in a month of Sundays think I was in any way important enough to even attempt this type of thing? No. Do I feel the highest type of imposter syndrome even attempting to do this? Yes! But you don’t lose anything by trying something new do you?